Internet Society Nigeria Chapter on the Ongoing Protests vis-a-vis Perceived Internet Throttling.

Internet Society Nigeria Chapter on the Ongoing Protests vis-a-vis Perceived Internet Throttling, (Published 7th August, 2024) .
The Internet Society Nigeria Chapter notes the frustrations of citizens regarding economic challenges and recognizes the right to peaceful protest. However, we strongly condemn any acts of violence, vandalism, and damage to critical infrastructure, including the Internet infrastructure.
The Internet is a veritable tool for governance, communication, commerce, education, and civic engagement that should be well protected. We urge all parties involved to prioritize the protection of critical infrastructure and to engage in peaceful dialogue to address their concerns.
We are conducting a thorough investigation into the immediate and remote causes of the Internet service perceived throttling, and will continue to monitor the Internet’s status to ensure prompt identification and resolution of issues. Updates shall be provided as empirical and more scientific evidences become available. It is important to note that Internet shutdowns have far-reaching consequences for individuals, businesses, and the overall digital economy of any country.
The Internet Society Nigeria Chapter calls for calm and restraint from all parties. We reiterate our commitment to advocate for an open as well as secured Internet that empowers Nigerian digital economy and communications.

Billyaminu Umar
Public Relations Officer,
For: The Executive Council and the Board of Internet Society, Nigeria Chapter

Useful links of Bibliography:(the underlisted urls were available as at the time of writing the above brief)