ISOC 2020 Training for Members

Dear ISOC Members,
I bring you warm greetings from the ISOC Executive team.
Earlier, we were inundated with several emails about ISOC Global 2020 training for a limited number of persons.
The ISOC team took action and subscribed to the training so that members can participate.
While there are only five available slots for members in the Nigerian chapter, members are strongly encouraged to apply and put up a strong application for consideration by the chapter executive team.
We believe this training is going to be continuous and will afford members who might not get slots in this first cohort to still get the opportunity in the future.
To apply, please click on the link below:
About the program
The program was born to satisfy the increasing need of our Chapter leaders to engage their members locally in an impactful and informed way about some of the Internet Society’s main initiatives.
The program is thus based on five of our 2020 Action Plan projects:
Each Chapter will have the opportunity to select one trainee per topic (with a maximum of five trainees per Chapter)
In 2020, the regional Chapter workshops/meetings will be an integral part of this training program. One of the eligibility criteria for participating in the 2020 Chapter workshops will be that representatives from the Chapter have attended the trainings. 
The program has three stages:
Stage 1: Trainee selection done by Chapters
Stage 2: Selected trainees attend the training sessions
Stage 3: Development of local initiatives by the trainee based on the knowledge acquired
The objective of the program is to develop new community leaders who can work together with the local Chapter with a good understanding of the Internet Society’s main 2020 initiatives for developing local activities in support of any of the five projects mentioned above.
Apply Here:
Eligibility and Requirements

Requirements for Chapter Members and Chapter leaders who want to apply to the program

All Individuals must:

  • Belong to any Internet Society Chapter or Special Interest Group (SIG) (Internet Society membership must be up to date
  • Fill out the form that will be sent to each Chapter & SIG member before February 25th
  • Be willing to cooperate with and support the local Chapter
  • Not have participated in any Internet Society learning program in the last two years, including programs such as Next Generation leaders, IGF or IGF Ambassadors
  • Be willing to commit approx. 3-5 hours per week for 2.5 months (depending on the topic selected)
  • Commit to developing an initiative in coordination with the local Chapter and instructor at the end of the course (This initiative must be approved by the Chapter and the instructor.)
  • Be able to read and understand English – the trainings will be delivered in English, French and Spanish; however, some contents may be in English only.
  • Have Internet access with a minimum speed of 1.2 Mbps
  • Consent to use personal information
  • Agree with the terms and conditions of the program (these will be linked from the application form)
  • Complete the feedback survey at the end of the program

Training content and previous knowledge requirements

The content of the trainings will be available on this Internet Society web page. In addition, some complementary material will be provided by the instructors once the training has started.
The trainings will cover basic concepts. Below you will find the specifications per topic (be aware of the hyperlink in some titles):
  • Shaping the Internet: This training is based on Internet Governance principles and main concepts. No previous knowledge is required.
  • Securing Global Routing: This training is about routing security. It is recommended for network administrators, network engineers, or other technical persons with a working knowledge of routing and security. The training explains basic steps to improve a network’s routing security. Technical background as listed above is mandatory for this training.
  • Building Community Networks: This course provides a solid foundation on how to build wireless community networks, fostering collective and sustainable endeavors. It covers important topics such as wireless network standards, radio physics, practical network planning, IP network administration, radio device configuration, securing wireless networks, and more. This course is recommended for professionals with basic technical background.
  • Open Standards Everywhere: This training is less than five hours length and it will cover best practices to secure web services. Technical background is mandatory. Basic knowledge in IPV6 and DNS is required. Trainee must have direct access to Chapter web server.
  • Encryption: This training is less than five hours in length and it will cover basic concepts about encryption and our encryption toolkit.

Trainees initiatives

Initiatives will depend on each topic. Each instructor will provide more detail once the training is started. Some of the options trainees may choose include:
  • Participating in an open consultation for the region (Conduct research about a specific topic and present results in an open consultation)
  • A video about the training received. The video should be published in Chapter media or web page.
  • A webinar about the training received. The webinar should be published in Chapter media or web page on should be open to the local Internet Community.
  • Training for local members.
  • Translation of topic related material into local language and the local promotion of the translated material.
  • Research about the local situation on the topic selected. A blog of 1000 words minimum. The blog should be published via the Chapter’s media channels or on the Chapter’s website.
  • Create a working group or committee for the Chapter on the topic selected and lead its work over the next 16-12 months.
  • Implement toolkits or best practices from the training for local community benefit.
* For Shaping the Internet, trainees must participate in an open consultation in addition to completing any of the options chosen above.
Terms and Conditions of Internet Society Training Program Award

Trainees responsibilities


  • All trainees are expected to understand and comply with course requirements and expectations as articulated in the program.
  • Demonstrate academic integrity and honesty.
  • Actively participate in online sessions
  • Complete assigned work in a timely manner with attention to quality of work.
  • Communicate in a careful and respectful manner with instructors, peers, and other members of the group.
  • Utilize ISOC resources for the course
  • Seek help when needed.
  • Respect diverse ideas and opinions.
  • Comply with certification requirements


III. Duration and certification requirements


The plan has a maximum duration of 2 months and 2 weeks (depending on the topic selected). As a result of the training, the trainee will share the knowledge acquired to their community through the development of a Chapter initiative that should be previously approved by the instructor of the course and the Chapter representative for the program. As a mandatory requirement, the trainee will only be able to receive a certificate of completion once the initiative is delivered to the instructor and the Chapter.


IV. Training format and internet speed requirements


All sessions will be virtual through ZOOM platform. For this purpose, you need to have access to internet with a minimum speed of 1.2 Mbps.


V. Hours and days of trainings


It will be previously agreed between the instructor and the trainees.


VI. Evaluation


50% Chapter initiative:

  • Instructor approval and grade 25%
  • Chapter approval and grade 25%

50% Participation and attendance

  • 50% divided by total lessons

Minimum grade to approve 70%


VII. Timeline


Dates Task
January 27th at 14 UTC English info session for Chapters. Zoom link
From January 27th to February 9th (2 weeks) Application period for Chapters
February 12th to February 25th (2 weeks) Application period for Chapter and SIGs members
February 26th to February 29th (1 week) Trainees selection and notification
February 26th to March 7th (2 weeks) Selected trainees confirm their participation
April 13th Training program starts
April 13th to June 6th Initiatives implementation
June 6th Feedback survey
June 6th Trainees must send proof of their initiatives to their respective Chapter representatives and instructors
June 30th Certificates of completion to trainees

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele